

What to expect from the treatments

Skin tightening Resurfacing using voltaic arcing also referred to as PLASMA, produce mild appreciable cumulative improvements in the appearance of fine lines and also reduces the appearance of sagging skin. For immediate and dramatic results please refer to cosmetic surgery.

The basic principle of skin tightening by using Resurfacing.

Young, elastic skin depends on the number of structural proteins such as collagen and elastin. These proteins help your skin resist temporary changes such as stretching, folding, or wrinkling. As we age, our bodies produce less of these structural proteins, making our skin more prone to show signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

A mild superficial controlled burn by using AC voltaic arcs, DC voltaic arcs or Lasers induces a skin tightening effect which helps the skin restore more of its natural elasticity. This occurs because a localized excitation, stimulates the skin’s regeneration response, resulting in firmer, tighter skin between the wrinkles and hence the reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Similar results are also possible by using other skin rejuvenation methods, like AHAs (alpha hydroxy acid) based cosmetic peels, however the use of voltaic arc or cosmetic lasers are generally more selective because it can be applied exactly where required, therefore inducing the skin tightening exactly where your client needs it, with a higher degree of precision. We refer to this type of skin tightening in Okanagan, British Colombia as “localised skin tightening” or “targeted skin tightening”

Generally, Localised Skin Tightening can be accomplished by using:

  • Lasers devices,
  • Electrical arcing devices.

The basic principle used by all these types of devices is the same, which is the targeted delivery of heat into the skin. When this is done the skin tends to respond by generating new collagen which results in tighter and firmer skin. Common areas treated:

  • Upper Eyelid tightening
  • Lower Eyelid tightening
  • Crow’s feet attenuation (Periorbital lines attenuation)
  • Mini Facelifts
  • Smoker lines attenuation. (Perioral lines attenuation)
  • Atrophic Scars attenuation including acne and chicken pox scar attenuation.